Maybe the most important news is Session renewed Pastor Terry’s contract for one more year. Mary Walter’s, from the Committee of Ministry for the Presbytery, met with Session to help us with the decision. It was the feeling of all Session members that we are very fortunate to have Pastor Terry and his wife, Barbara, in the church family. We know this will not last forever but we are enjoying them while it lasts. WE ARE GLAD YOU ARE HERE!
Treasurer, Donna Davis, reported income from January to the end of February. The Chris Harri investment was received to be used for maintenance of the buildings and grounds. Larry Cary reported that a good portion of the fund will be used to repair the mortar in the Sanctuary bricks.
Again, Donna keeps a good set of books and what she reports is gospel as far as I am concerned. Thank you Donna.
During worship on February 24th, newly elected Deacons Megan McBride, installed for a one year term, and Marilyn McKinney, installed for a three year term. Both have been ordained in their previous church. Donna Davis was reinstalled as a Ruling Elder for three years. THANK YOU MEGAN, MARILYNN, AND DONNA FOR SERVING AS DEACONS AND ELDER AT P.P.C.
Session approved the youth to sponsor a boy in Peru. Look for more information in this Chatter.
The old piano in fellowship hall is not needed. Approval was given to give it to a friend of the Carys.
Larry and Lois Cary were selected from P.P.C. to receive the Presbytery’s annual Senior Service Award. Each year a couple or a single is honored for their services to their church and community. Congratulations Larry and Lois. They will be honored at a luncheon at Valley P.C. in Scottsdale, April 11th.
The church committee chair persons remain the same for 2019 as in 2018. If you are new or if you forgot, they are; Worship – Mickey Gilsdorf and Linda Maxwell, Christian Ed. – Shannon Langston, Mission/Memorial – Linda Maxwell, Outreach/Evangelism – Steve Burt, Property Management – Larry Cary, Personnel/Policy Procedure/ Preschool/Finance – Donna Davis, Website – AJ Langston, Nominating – Seth O’Kelly, Deacon on the Nominating Committee – Cathy Langston, and Trustee Chairperson – Larry Cary.
The Pastor’s, Deacons’, all committee reports, and the report on the recent meeting of Presbytery were all received.
Next Regular Session meeting is April 8th at 5:30 pm.
Ken Johnson
Clerk of Session